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DOCAFÉ Premium Selection Coffee

BURUNDI - Single Origin Coffee

BURUNDI - Single Origin Coffee

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Single Origin BURUNDI

 Medium - Dark Roast

Coffee specifications

Species: Arabica Coffee

Variety: Bourbon

Process: Washed

Screen size: 15+ 



Cup profile

SCA score: 85

Water activity: 0.41

Cupping notes: milk chocolat, ripe fruits, peach, lactic 


 Processing treatment

Picking method: Manually

Processing method: fully-washed at Butihinda washing station, 14 hours of fermentation 

Drying method: Sun-dried on dry beds during a period depending on weather. 

Screening and sorting method: manually 


Farm story

Burundi shares a border with two other well-known coffee producing countries, Tanzania and Rwanda. Like its neighbours, production in Burundi is dominated by thousands and thousands of smallholder farmers who organize and sell their coffees as part of a cooperative. Therefore a single purchased lot of coffee can impact many lives. 

Butihinda washing station has between 2500 and 3500 coffee farmers and uses the water source of Mugobe from Masaka and Ngara Mountain at 2000m named “Long life-drink gold”. Masaka and Ngara, are reputed to be gold mines. In Kirundi, Bantu language, “Inzahabu Coffee” means “Gold Coffee”.

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"Preparing the Perfect Cappuccino: A Step-by-Step Guide"

Start by grinding fresh, high-quality coffee beans to a fine consistency. Next, heat your milk to about 150-160 degrees Fahrenheit, or until small bubbles form around the edge of the pan.

Using a quality espresso machine, pull a shot of espresso, ensuring that it is at the right temperature, around 200°F and poured over 1/3 of the cup.

Then, using a steam wand, froth the milk to a velvety consistency, and pour it over the shot of espresso, creating a beautiful layer of foam on top.

You can garnish with cocoa powder or a sprinkle of cinnamon for added flavor.

Remember to use the right proportion of ingredients, typically 1/3 of espresso, 1/3 of steamed milk and 1/3 of foam. That way you will have a balanced cup that combine the acidity of espresso with the sweetness of steamed milk and the creaminess of foam.

Enjoy your cappuccino!

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